Week 5 :
What is a corpus?
👯 Corpus is a collection of naturally-occurring texts in a computer-readable format which can be retrieved and analyzed using corpus analysis software.
💗 The first feeling when I hear the word "corpus", I think it must be difficult because I have not seen this program before. Everything looks complicated, I do not like it. But after I learned it. It made me understand corpus better, whether it be meaning, using and benefit. These things made me feel that corpus is a good program for learning English.
🙌 It helps me understand the meaning and use of words in a better way.
🙌 It helps me understand the collocation of word that it is necessary for the learner.
🙌 It helps me understand words and sentence structure that the native speakers use in daily life
🙌 It helps me improve my English skill (writing, speaking).
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