Week 6 :
In this lesson, I can learn about the modal verbs must, have to and should.
We use have to / must / should + infinitive to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to do, or to give advice about things that are a good idea to do.
👸 Must and have to are both used for obligation and are often quite similar. They are both followed by the infinitive.
👉I must go now. / I have to go now.
We often use must for more personal opinions about what it is necessary to do, and have to for what somebody in authority has said it is necessary to do.
👉I must remember to get a present for Daisy. (my opinion)
👉You have to look after their hair regularly. (dog experts say so)
👉Do you have to wear a tie for school? (asking about school rules)
👸We use should for advice, or making suggestions, and must for strong advice.
👉You must go for a walk with the dog at least once a day.
👉Maybe you should go for a coffee or lunch and see how you feel?
👉You shouldn't leave it on the street.
We use have to / must / should + infinitive to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to do, or to give advice about things that are a good idea to do.
👸 Must and have to are both used for obligation and are often quite similar. They are both followed by the infinitive.
👉I must go now. / I have to go now.
We often use must for more personal opinions about what it is necessary to do, and have to for what somebody in authority has said it is necessary to do.
👉I must remember to get a present for Daisy. (my opinion)
👉You have to look after their hair regularly. (dog experts say so)
👉Do you have to wear a tie for school? (asking about school rules)
👸We use should for advice, or making suggestions, and must for strong advice.
👉You must go for a walk with the dog at least once a day.
👉Maybe you should go for a coffee or lunch and see how you feel?
👉You shouldn't leave it on the street.
BNCweb is a useful device to explore practical usage in English language. Besides common grammatical knowledge, collocates can give new insight and broaden our point of view. Modal verbs must', "have to" and "should" have been explained in theoretical usage in many textbooks and sometimes each one has been exemplified by unrealistic examples. Through application of BNCweb, collocates can elucidate unforeseen patterns that co-occur with each modal verb and this will assist, at least, English teachers to give realistic examples to students from the top list of collocates. However, the top list of collocates is flexible due to, firstly, a span of words in left and right position and, secondly, statistical methods. These two factors are subject to results of collocations if either the span or other statistical methods were to change to other values. Although the difference might be diminutive, other investigation is still appealing as it may enrich our point of view in modalities.
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