Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What is a Weblog?

   Week 1:      

     Weblog is an online journal, diary of information or opinions that an individual can update them with own words, ideas, and thoughts on the Internet through software that it can be easily to do. Users can design own blog and even add pictures to enhance its attractiveness. Moreover, readers can respond to any given entry with a comment and even threaded discussions can take place depending on the software chosen.

       I will introduce three possible ways that weblogs could be put to immediate use with ESL classroom learning.

Three Types of Weblogs for Use in ESL Classrooms.

The Tutor Blog 
  • It gives daily reading practice to the learners.   
  • It promotes exploration of English websites. It increases their confidence and help to overcome their aversion. 
  • It encourages online verbal exchange by use of comment buttons.any blog reader can make a comment that can be read and further commented on by all who access the site. Ask your students questions, give them riddles, challenge their views to encourage them to comment. 
  • It provides class or syllabus information. Entries in the blog can also serve to remind students about homework assignments and upcoming discussion topics.
  • It serves as a resource of links for self-study. In the right and/or left margins of the blog, permanent links can be set-up and organized to aid the learner in self-study.

The Learner Blog 
     These are blogs that are either run by individual learners themselves or by small collaborative groups of learners. It may encourage the use of search engines and net surfing in English to find the appropriate sites to which links can be made.   

The Class Blog    

     This type of blog is the result of the collaborative effort of an entire class. The following are some possible uses: 
  • In conversation-based classes it could be used like a free-form bulletin board for learners to post messages, images, and links related to classroom discussion topics. It could also be a space for them to post thoughts on a common theme assigned for homework. 
  • It might also useful for facilitating project-based language learning, where learners can be given the opportunity to develop research and writing skills by being asked to create an online resource for others. 
  • Class blogs could also be used as a virtual space for an international classroom language exchange. 

Weblog Software 

       Some weblog software is run on a central, web-based server, while others require to be downloaded and installed on a local server. For teachers without much technical know-how or support, the first option might be the easiest. Another important issue is cost. Some weblog software is free, while others may start at $5 and run up to $100 dollars a year or more to operate.

       As I said before, I hope this knowledge is useful for those interested . Both teachers and students and the practitioners will support classroom based ESL learning and the ease with which an ESL blogging project could be started.



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