Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Multiple-choice question slides and True-or-false question slides

Week 13 :

Multiple-choice question slides

👐 Insert the multiple choice question slide (Quiz > Question Slide > Multiple Choice). The default multiple choice question contains a placeholder question and two answer choices: A and B.

👐 Double-click the placeholder question on stage to edit it and type your question.

👐 To add more answer choices, edit the options in the Quiz panel in the Property Inspector.
If the question has more than one correct answer, choose Multiple Answers in the Quiz Properties panel.
Select Shuffle Answers (Quiz Properties panel) if you want the choices to appear in a different order each time the user returns to this question.
👐 To specify the correct answer (s), click the radio button or the check boxes that correspond to the correct answer choices on stage.

In this case, the options are represented by radio buttons because the option Multiple Answers is disabled.
If the option is enabled, you see check-boxes instead of radio buttons.
👐 Select Partial Score to assign partial scores to answers. Then, select the answer item, and specify the points you want to award in the Advanced Answer Option in Property Inspector.
You cannot set partial scores for multiple choice questions in question pools. For information on question pools.
The variable, cpQuizInfoQuestionPartialScoreOn, indicates whether or not partial score is enabled for a question slide.

👐 Specify other properties for the question slide in the Quiz Properties panel. For detailed information, see Quiz properties.

True-or-false question slides 

👀 Insert the true/false question slide (Quiz > Question Slide > True/False).
     The default true-or-false question slide contains a placeholder question and the answer choices: True and False.

👀 Double-click the placeholder question to edit it and type your question.
👀 To establish the correct answer, click the correct answer—True or False—on stage. You can replace True and False with Yes and No if required.

👀 Specify other properties for the question slide in the Quiz Properties panel. For detailed information, see Quiz properties.


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